Our Quality Systems are audited externally by Sustainable Certifications, externally by customers every two years and by each new customer as they approve Mediport as a qualified vendor.
Mediport now carries product from the EU, this is now part of our management plan.
Mediport maintains both S4 and S8 licence to store and transport both;
Cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols
Under certain circumstances, cannabis (including seeds, extracts, resins and the plant or any part of the plant) and tetrahydrocannabinols (when extracted from cannabis) when prepared or packed for human therapeutic use, are ‘Controlled Drugs’ under Schedule 8 (S8) of the Poisons Standard.
Access will need to be confirmed with the relevant State/Territory noting that laws differ between jurisdictions. For State and Territory contact information
please see: Access to medicinal cannabis products: using access schemes.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the cannabinoids which may be extracted as a therapeutic good from cannabis. From 1 June 2015, cannabidiol has been included under Schedule 4 (S4) Prescription Only Medicine of the Poisons Standard when preparations for therapeutic use contain 2% or less of other cannabinoids found in cannabis.